Board of Directors' work
According to the articles of association, the board shall consist of at least three and a maximum of seven members without alternates. Changes to the articles of association are resolved by the shareholders' meeting.
At the Annual Shareholders' meeting on May 14, 2024, Mia Arnhult was elected chairman and Pia Gideon, Fredrik Dahl, Lars Höckenström and Thomas Eklund as board members.
The board's responsibility is regulated in the Swedish Companies Act and in the rules of procedure. The rules of procedure define the distribution of the board's work between the board's committees and between the board and the executive director.
According to the rules of procedure, the board shall determine strategy and budget, produce the annual financial reports and other external financial reports, important policies and payment authorization instructions, appoint the CEO and evaluate the CEO’s work, define rules for internal control and determine the effectiveness of the internal control, decide on larger investments and long-term agreements, decide on the direction of the board's work, appoint an audit committee and remuneration committee and to evaluate the board's work.
The board shall also define necessary guidelines for the corporation's public image for the purpose of ensuring its long-term value-creating capability. The board shall also determine whether established guidelines on remuneration of leading decision-makers have been followed and propose guidelines for remuneration of the annual meeting.